
Cookie Policy

Cookies are small text files that are placed in the device that you use to access our website, similar to most other web servers. These cookies recognize your device during a session or future visits to our website. The objective of using cookies is to recognize your device during a session or in your future visits to our website, and provide a better user experience. Generally two types of cookies are used:

Session cookie Session cookies remain only as long as a browsing session is active. These cookies allow websites to link the actions of a user during a browser session and expire at the end of the browsing session. Session cookies also assist the user in navigating the website, and allow the user to access secure parts of the webpage when logged in.

Persistent cookie: Persistent cookies are stored on a user’s device even after termination of a browsing session. It helps in recalling the preferences or actions of the user. Depending on the type and settings of your browser, cookies may be accepted by default. You also have the option of changing the settings of your browser to delete existing cookies or prevent future cookies from being automatically accepted. If you, however, disable cookies on your device, certain parts and functions of our website may not be available. You can learn more about cookies at www.aboutcookies.org.